
wide varieties中文什么意思

发音:   用"wide varieties"造句
  • 品种繁多
  • 种类繁多
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  1. A wide variety of mild sedatives and tranquilizers have become available .
  2. In recent years lasers have found a wide variety of practical applications .
  3. Nuclear reactions may be induced by bombardment with a wide variety of particles .
  4. Soybean lecithins are generally used in small amounts in a wide variety of foods .
  5. In the real world, the relation between inputs and outputs exhibits wide variety .


        wide:    adj. (opp. narrow) 1.宽阔的。 2 ...
        variety:    n. 1.变化,多样化 (opp. monotony, ...
        the varieties:    可可的品种
        adapted varieties:    适宜品种
        canning varieties:    罐藏品种
        combination of varieties:    品种组合
        cryptocrystalline varieties:    隐晶组
        crystalline varieties:    显晶组
        derived varieties:    衍生品种
        diversification of varieties:    品种多样化
        great varieties:    品种繁多
        in most of varieties:    在多数品种中
        key to varieties:    品种检索表; 品种鉴定说明; 品种索引表
        mixture of varieties:    品种混合
        oat varieties:    燕麦品种
        recommended varieties:    推荐品种
        renovation of varieties:    品种复壮
        resistant varieties:    抵抗性品种
        sensitive varieties:    敏感品种
        the best varieties for:    年优良品种
        the change of varieties:    品种更换
        varieties of english:    英语的多样性
        varieties of language:    语言的变体
        varieties of welding:    焊接种类
        wide:    adj. (opp. narrow) 1.宽阔的。 2. 广阔的,广大的,宽敞的。 3.广博的;范围广大的;广泛的。 4.远离的;(偏)差得远的,错得厉害的。 5.开口大的,张开的,分得很开的。 6.【语音】(元音)开的,松的。 7.【农业】(饲料)蛋白质少的。 8.〔英俚〕精明的;机警的。 10 feet wide 宽十英尺。 a wide cloth 门面宽的布。 wide intervals 宽阔的间隔。 wide reading 广泛阅读。 a wide difference 巨大的差异。 a guess wide of the truth 与实况相差很远的猜测。 be of wide distribution 分布宽广。 be wide of the mark 离目标很远;满不对头。 give a wide berth to 离开,(远离)避开。 hazard a wide guess 随便乱猜。 take wide views 采取开通的观点。 wide place [spot] in the road 〔美俚〕小市镇。 with wide eyes 睁大了眼睛。 adv. 1.广阔地。 2.张得很大。 3.远远;歪,不中,弄错。 He is wide awake. 他很精明[机警]。 The shot went wide. 子弹打歪了。 speak wide of the mark 讲得不得要领。 far and wide 到处,普遍。 have one's eyes wide open 眼睛睁得很大;警觉;精明,机警。 open one's mouth too wide 野心太大。 wide open 开得很大;〔美国〕(城市)对卖酒、卖淫等取缔不严的;〔新闻〕有充分登载新闻余地的。 n. 1.〔the wide〕广大的世界。 2.【板球】歪球 (= wide ball)。 broke to the wide 〔俚语〕 1. 一个铜子也没有。 2. 完全失掉信用。 (be) done [whacked] to the wide 〔军俚〕累透。 adv. -ly


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